Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I feel like today is a good day to hear from the Charles M. Schulz character, Charlie Brown. He makes me smile; the innocence, a pure heart of good intentions.
“In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back.”
Too often, I try to find the shortcut. There really isn't one. And if there was and I took it, what would I have learned? What would have been the point?

We need to read the whole book to understand, and then, read it again.


k_sra said...

I was thinking about that, too. How I spent so much energy as a child looking for the silver key that would turn the lock to open up the world to me and me to it; a simple phrase, a single thought, a pivotal idea, an all-encapsulating quote... : )

Instead I am finding that God refreshes me after a long day of searching, encourages me after a restless night of worrying, calls me after I have wandered off after everything else, to walk with him. He doesn't change his plans for me, but he patiently waits for me to join him in his. And I'm beginning to think the most profound 'key' in the whole universe is merely this: "I AM."

"Honestus" - Raymond Charles said...

seems to me, you've found a 'key' worth much more than any silver or gold.