Saturday, September 09, 2006

I am critic of life. I believe each of us are in some accord.Cesare Pavese was not only a critic of literaure, but a poet, novelist and translator. He lived during the fascism 1930's of Italy and was persecuted because of anti-fascism viewpoints. He led a difficult life which he ended at his own choice. This quote is taken from his diaries.
We do not remember days, we remember moments. The richness of life lies in memories we have forgotten.
This is an pondering perspective that I'm not sure I grasp completely. Does he mean that we often overlook the richest memories of past? That we've forgranted them, merely as a way of everyday living?

There are moments of yesterday that I put into a storage chest, filed away, per say. As if I was a sponge soaking in the moments but not realizing that they occurred or of their signifigance. I am challenged to look into the storage chest. Sort through the files of yesteryear and learn from them. I sense that they are far 'richer' than I ever could have imagined.