Thursday, January 11, 2007

Over the past year and a half, I have learned from the quotes of so many. I have also learned I am what you call a 'collector', loving to learn and experiencing new 'input' into life. It is a blessing to live in such an abundant world.

Along the path of collecting these quotes, I have developed an appreciation for Albert Einstein. Please allow me to share one of my favorites.
"The search for truth and knowledge is one of the finest attributes of man, though often it is most loudly voiced by those who strive for it the least."
You learn alot about yourself when looking in the mirror, being honest who I am, and when you take time to reflect. I further learned not only that it's important to reflect, but the reasons why. I must thank a friend whom had enough courage and love in her in heart to tell me just that. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

that's called introspection. when you look at yourself and self-examine... i can't agree with you enough. having a friend help you realize that is pretty helpful... i look forward to r eading more of your posts!

k_sra said...

What if you had a friend with enough courage and love in her heart to tell you that your grammar needs improving? Would you still be thankful? : p

Albert had more than smarts, he had wisdom. And he wore mismatched socks. He must have been fun!

"Honestus" - Raymond Charles said...

very fun indeed. did you know that i have worn two different color socks without even trying?! Yep, really and truly! =)

Perhaps you write that my grammar needs editing in jest, but i say, absolutely. believe it or not, i like to know when i'm wrong, or made a mistake. You learn a little more about yourself in that process. Frankly, it humbles me - a little snap back into reality.

And even more, that's how you know that this person is truly a friend. Loving, not condemning. A special trust that is mutually shared and respected.