Thursday, June 08, 2006

Until the 1920's, this man was known chiefly in avant-garde and esoteric literary circles. The 1947 Nobel Prize of Literature went to French writer André Paul Guillaume Gide with this statement, "for his comprehensive and artistically significant writings, in which human problems and conditions have been presented with a fearless love of truth and keen psychological insight."

It is said his works gravitate around his continuous effort to achieve intellectual honesty and self-exploratory.
It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves - in finding themselves.
I think we determine its an adventure when we're already on the roller coaster, or when the ride has come to its stop.


k_sra said...

You're it! oh, and by the way, my boyfriend said you were a jerk. Why would he say that??? : )

"Honestus" - Raymond Charles said...

boyfriends say funny things sometimes.

k_sra said...

Yes, they do. They do indeed.