British writer
Freya Stark was not only one of the first Western women to travel through the Arabian deserts (Hadhramaut); she often travelled solo into areas where few Europeans, let alone women, had ever been.
There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.
People will call it our conscience, but I feel its though we have this little alarm devise inside us that is constantly monitoring what we are doing. When we do the things we are supposed to like being honest, keeping promises, etc., it stays quiet. But, when we get close to doing the wrong, the things we know we shouldn't, it comes alive. The buzzer sounds, the lights flash and it starts jumping all around. At first, it's subtle and barely audible, but then it's blaringly loud and I just can't ignore it any longer. It's when guilt sets in.
I don't know if we can always control our emotions, but I do feel that we should be able to control our actions, and we must. Seeing is not believing. Believing is doing.